Signing tags
Assuming you have an extra local file for adding gitconfig settings on your main ~/.gitconfig
path = .gitconfig.local
Configure ~/.gitconfig.local
to point to the correct GPG signing key of your interest:
signingkey = <signingKeyId>
Enable git tag -m <message>
to automatically force signed tags:
forceSignAnnotated true
Test if the signing key works by creating a new git tag on a temporary project:
❯ cd /tmp
❯ mkdir foo
❯ cd foo
❯ git init
❯ touch bar
❯ git add bar
❯ git ci -m "Add bar"
❯ git tag 1.0.0 -s -m "Release 1.0.0"
Enter the Yubikey GPG PIN and then touch it. Confirm the GPG signature was added to the tag:
❯ git show 1.0.0